Parc Yr Esgob

Tywi Gateway Trust, Carmarthen | 2023 + Ongoing

A public realm project to restore the walled kitchen garden to conserve and protect surviving historical features, and create a multi-functional space that will enable a range of health and wellbeing, educational, training and community services to be delivered based around horticulture, food production, nature conservation, and events management.

The Trust aims to improve safe public access to all parts, restore the glasshouses to meet future needs, and enhance the robust functionality of different garden areas. The resulting flexible, multi-functional space will strengthen their income-generation and complement trading and learning activities elsewhere in the park.

Consultation with, and active involvement of a broad range of existing and new users will be important, to input their thoughts and ideas into the delivery of the project.

Working with Specialist Conservation Architect Geraint Roberts Associates and a wider consultant team.

Parc yr Esgob


Oak Shelter